If you try to use a link to a non-existing remote, you will get the following error: > fatal: No such remote 'origin'
Git set upstream url password#
In case you change your remote repository to https URL, you will be prompted for your username and password next time you use git fetch, git pull or git push. The git push command has only -u aka -set-upstream, which takes no argument. With an upstream branch set, you can simply use the shorthand commands git pull and git push - instead of having to think about the exact parameters like in. git-submodule will correctly locate the submodule using the. If the URL is given relative to the superproject’s repository, the presumption is the superproject and submodule repositories will be kept together in the same relative location, and only the superproject’s URL needs to be provided. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:user/repository2.git) The git branch command has both -set-upstream and -set-upstream-to, with the former deprecated in favor of the latter for the reason already given in Nick's answer. gitmodules for use by subsequent users cloning the superproject. The command takes two arguments: existing name of the remote (in our case origin) and a new remote URL (in our case This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:user/repository2.git We can change the remote repository by using git remote set-url command: $ git remote set-url origin This email address is being protected from spambots. gitlab repository with ssh/https links 2. Note: To find the SSH and HTTPS URLs, go to your GitLab, select your project, and click on Clone.

OPTIONS -v -verbose Be a little more verbose and show remote url after name. If you copied the link to the repository from Clone with HTTPS in your GitLab, the output should look something like this: origin (fetch) DESCRIPTION Manage the set of repositories ('remotes') whose branches you track. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:user/repository.git (push) Origin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:user/repository.git (fetch) Copied Push the change to GitHub: git push origin -set-upstream update-scm-url. This is equivalent to running git fetch and then git rebase, or git pull -rebase (all local commits will be put on top of the updated upstream head). Rebase the current branch on top of the incoming changes: select this option to perform rebase during the update. If you copied the link to the repository from Clone with SSH in your GitLab, the output should look something like this: origin This email address is being protected from spambots. git add pom.xml git commit -m Use https: for scm URL, not git. This is equivalent to running git fetch and then git merge, or git pull -no-rebase. To list the existing remotes we open the terminal and type in the following command: $ git remote -v